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Open Call–Revisiting Agriculture Issue 2: Soil

Deadline 3.12.2023

🌱apply at🌱

Open call for anyone working with related topics. We are open to various formats – texts, illustrations, photography, moving images, audio, and past and ongoing projects.

The open call looks at soils as a cultural by-product of the reciprocal relation between humans and the earth. To dissect the relationships between two giants: the collective human actions exerted on the Earth’s surface.

“Let us ponder a minute what is meant by the notion of “Anthropocene”, this amazing lexical invention proposed by geologists to label our present period. We realize that the sublime has evaporated as soon as we are no longer taken as those puny humans overpowered by “nature” but, on the contrary, as a collective giant that, in terms of terawatts, has scaled up so much that it has become the main geological force shaping the Earth.“

* Bruno Latour “Waiting for Gaia. Composing the common world through arts and politics”

Some topics that roughly outline the open call are:

🌱 The problem of uninhibited use of pesticides in agriculture over prolonged periods which renders soils infertile

🌱Exploratoin of heavy-polluting industries such as mining that destroy soils, biodiversity, and anthropological material over immense territories.

🌱Speculations, artistic interventions, or scientific-based proposals on how to recultivate unsustainable human-soil relationships

🌱Recipes for large-scale composting

This chain of developments shows a vital need to start a discourse about soil pollutants and their futures.

The project is realised with the support of the National Culture Fund, Programme for Recovery and Development of Private Cultural Organisations


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