14 February - 01 March 2020 - group jewellery exhibition

Zwetelina Alexieva
Neva Balnikova
Milko Boyarov
Teodor Lulchev
Nikolay Sardamov
Evgeniya Tsancova
Curator: Neva Balnikova
Photography: Mihail Novakov
Exploring the life of a piece of jewellery, we trace the history of its owner, his sense of belonging in regards to cultural phenomena. These are situations with consequences as a result of which, the owner loses or finds meaning as the piece of jewellery becomes a companion in his life.
Lost, this object ceases to be an accessory and becomes an item with its own history that is told in the present. In this way, all these stories encompass one intimacy; whether found under the sheets, on the nightstand, under the bad or in a public space, they are stories marked by the appearance and symbolism of an element.