27 May - 09 June 2021 - Harita Asumani solo exhibition

In the exhibition, juxtaposing falling to flying, she explores the concept of luck. In her understanding, luck is not a coincidence that appears in our lives. Luck is the irrational act that paradoxically underlies both human genius and stupidity.
"A few months ago, I caught myself in a special state of mind.
I had made important decisions and taken action for my professional development and personal life. As a result, I experienced a mixture of different feelings and emotions - impatience, fear of failure, enthusiasm, curiosity, desire for growth.
Calmness was the last thing on my mind.
I started scribbling and writing things down: Lucky people are prone to bad decisions. The feeling that I will always get away with it makes me want more and more of life. I always get away with it, right? But time and again situations arise that remind me that I am not immortal. And I fall... on a soft surface.
I was right in the section between the jump and the ground. The direction was clear - down (Let here "down" be perceived neutrally and remove the symbolic meaning, let it be just a direction). Falling on a soft surface meaning "I was lucky".
Luck does not exist in the universe, but for me, it is completely real.
Luck is most often seen as the result of external circumstances. In this case, luck is something desired that comes into our lives and we do not have much credit for it.
For me, however, it is more valuable to consider another aspect of luck. That is when luck comes before the result. It appears, as an abstract thought construction, the belief that allows us, or makes us, take action without a visible rational explanation. This refers to discoverers and people who play the lottery.“
Harita Asumani
Harita Asumani is a visual artist who has participated in numerous exhibitions over the past seven years, from Sofia and Balchik to Prague and Paris. Harita Asumani has roots in Tanzania but was born and raised in Bulgaria (Plovdiv). She studied Painting at the High School of Arts in Plovdiv, and then Scenography and Costume Design at the National Academy of Arts. She studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia in a student exchange program, and for her distinctive style and exceptional talent was awarded a creative residency at the Cite Internationale des Arts Paris.
