02 - 11 November 2020 - Glas Foundation exhibition & installation

What does hatred look like and how do you live with it? If the words with which many public figures, journalists and human rights activists are attacked online come to life outside the virtual world, what will their image be?
The exhibition "Shit Storm: a collection of online hatred", organized by the GLAS Foundation, will be presented for the first time to the public selected real threats and insults, calls for violence and even death threats in response to civil position. The aim is not only to pay attention to the phenomenon, but also to exhaust the words, presented through the art of different authors, from the meaning, distanced until their transformation into objects of aesthetic contemplation.
Through her delicate watercolors, the illustrator Veronika Belcheva recreates the experience of "hate speech" in a 2-minute animation and drawings, in which she weaves the handwritten insults of the calligrapher Elizaveta Angelova. This is the first collaboration between the two.
One of the most prominent artists in the field of graphic design and calligraphy in Bulgaria - Kostadin Kokalanov, joins the project by hand writing on curtains selected insults and threats, which have been collected for years by LGBTI activists, Roma, Jews, feminists, writers, journalists, etc.
The graphic designer Stefan Chinov participated with the work "1000 words", in which real threats made online, printed on fabrics, were interwoven again.
The exhibition is realized in partnership with KO-OP.
